Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2007


so next time i won't push the ss to 60 when it meters 1/3 sec.but i kind of really like i probably will again.oh.these are from that pow wow i was talking about.ill be sure to post shitty videos when i feel like waiting for them to upload.

18 Kommentare:

x2714 hat gesagt…

of course, i'll do the same :)p.s your photos are brilliant!

swestidlenese16 hat gesagt…

i saw you in arty party, i like your photos..add?

yheladieswat97yahoocom hat gesagt…

I'm a shit.I can add you?

ilani hat gesagt…

i saw you in a community i didn't like but i love your pictures. friends?

trulsibusinesyyahoocom hat gesagt…


migueaanhocirvolhl hat gesagt…

of course :]

upsta1rtrofshinking hat gesagt…

hi! ur pics so nice!

dramacredpuor hat gesagt…

ohhh can i be your friend? i saw a few pictures & loved seem like a terrific person too!

aintoyursugarpie9 hat gesagt…

i added you.

kentheslayer hat gesagt…

added :)

dooooodlings7190 hat gesagt…

i want to see more, can i?

vtgoai75586yahoocom hat gesagt…

sure :]

seecatsmile hat gesagt…

lets be friends!

seecatsmile hat gesagt…

lets be friends!

yell0jeslocoimcl hat gesagt…


ju4kyuu0yahoocom hat gesagt…

like you things at art party, can i add you?

retroglma hat gesagt…

hey i add to you like my friend, can see your's upload albums from anarchopunk?

pyxiwulf hat gesagt…

You know i'm from Chilean Patagonian, and your parents are mexicians it's right!wait your list! and thanks for add me!