Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2007

so next time i ...

so next time i won't push the ss to 60 when it meters 1/3 sec.but i kind of really like i probably will again.oh.these are from that pow wow i was talking about.ill be sure to post shitty videos when i feel like waiting for them to upload.

7 Kommentare:

mertinpettangiryahoocom hat gesagt…

Saw your pictures and wanted to add you!

civtmiis3d hat gesagt…

wiil do.:]

sketchdre hat gesagt…


aboutocarle30 hat gesagt…

of course.:]

oftheseamarina hat gesagt…

i'd like to add you & shitthank-you

here0psce hat gesagt…

We don't know each other...I saw you in the community hc_punk_dwnldand decided to make friends;)So... Friends?

japanimerulez6935 hat gesagt…

bueno, entiendo mas de lo que hablo.mis padres son de mexico, etc.permítame hacer una lista y te la paso.:]